Parish History

Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Honolulu was established in 1986. His Holiness Pope Shenouda III assigned a number of priests to serve there and visited the parish personally in 1989. Priests from the Diocese of Southern California rotated their service there, as well. Among them was the late Hegumen Father Bishoy Ghobreial, Father Suriel El Anba Bishoy (now His Grace Bishop Suriel), Hegumen Father Anastasi Saint Antony, the late Hegumen Father Angelos Youssef, Father John Botros, Father Zosima El Muharraqi (now His Grace Bishop Reweis, Father Raphael El Baramosi, Father Archilids El Antony, and Father Saraphim El Souriani (now His Grace Bishop Saraphim).


The parish initially held services in rental spaces within a Catholic church, an Episcopal church, and a convent. These houses of worship opened their hearts and their doors to them until the purchase of the present property with several buildings, including a church and retreat center; consecrated in 2004 by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.