What is the Great Lent?

The Great Lent is a journey with Christ where we are spiritually uplifted and strengthened through prayer, fasting, and good works.

The Great Lent is 55 days and includes a week for preparation, 40 days that Christ fasted, and Holy Week, which is the final week.

While fasting, we abstain from meat, meat by-products, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. We learn that fasting is a spiritual time spent together by the body and soul, performing a spiritual act.

Fasting removes “the lust of the flesh”, “the lust of the eyes”, and “the pride of life” (1 John 2:16).

May we all grow spiritually and offer to God true fasting, humble prayers, and good works, throughout our lives and especially during Great Lent.


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Blessed Feast of Theophany