The Advent Fast

The Coptic Church begins the Advent Fast, also known as the Nativity Fast, on November 25, 2021 (Hathor 16, 1738) and concludes with the Feast of Nativity on January 7, 2022 (Kiahk 29, 1738).

The Church tells its faithful to fast 40 days. These 40 days correspond to the 40 days that the Prophet Moses fasted on the mountain before receiving the Ten Commandments, which was the Word of God.

We also fast 40 days in order to receive the birth of Christ at the Feast of Nativity.

Paramoune is celebrated before the Feast during the 40 days. It is a preparation period. It could be as short as one day and a maximum of three days. It is first level fast, abstaining from dairy and animal products including fish.

An additional 3 days were added at the before the 40 days of Advent during the 10th century AD to commemorate the 3 days that the Copts fasted before God awarded them with the miracle of moving the Mokattam Mountain.

Let us fast and pray during this Advent fast and prepare to receive the Word, the Son of God, Jesus Christ in the flesh.


Bishop Saraphim Visit


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